Positly Knowledge Base

How exactly does Positly work?

Updated: 08, Mon, 2024 03:27 AM

Positly is a unique platform that combines some of the most significant aspects of other research sites into one seamless platform. The integrated approach allows Positly researchers to set up their study, publish it on the platform and manage Participants for superior results. Researchers are able to easily manage Participants throughout the research process with features such as retargeting and exclusions, messaging and notifications, bonusing and the management of Custom attributes.

Researcher process

The integrated approach created by Positly allows researchers to manage the process from beginning to end, even providing the ability to communicate with and receive Feedback from Participants to improve the overall research. Here’s how the process works for researchers.

  1. Create your Project (this is the top-level container for your study)
  2. Create your first Run (this is a specific instance of Participants completing an Activity)
    1. Choose your Participants
      You have the ability to target participants based on a wide range of factors that you set. These steps include:

      1. Target by Demographics, Previous participation, Quality filters or Custom attributes
      2. Number of Participants required
      3. Participant reward amount
      4. Start and end dates
    2. Set up your Activity
      Once you have set your participant parameters, you can move on to the next step in setting up your study

      1. Describe the details:
        1. Title
        2. Description
        3. Estimated time to complete
        4. Link for your study (the URL where your study can be found)
      2. Integrate your study with Positly:
        1. Receive Participant Demographics and identifiers
        2. Add the Completion link into your Activity
    3. Publish your Run
      1. Add account credit if you haven’t already in order to pay your Participants
    4. Monitor as Participants complete the activity and provide their Feedback

After you’ve published the study you can:

Participant process

Positly is a researcher facing tool, and we find Participants by interfacing with Participant pools that many researchers are familiar with (e.g. microtasking websites and panels from research firms) and save the researchers’ time and money with our features.

Our Participants come from microtasking services and/or panel providers.

Regardless of where the Participants come from, they will follow this same basic process:

  1. Eligible Participants see (or are notified of) the Activity listing
  2. Participants agree to complete the Assignment
  3. Participants go to a Demographic pre-survey to confirm Demographic attributes and complete Quality checks
  4. Participants are redirected back to the main Activity (e.g. survey)
    1. The Participant attributes (identifiers and demographics) are sent to the main Activity using Query strings
  5. Upon completion, Participants are redirected to the Feedback survey via the Completion link to signal completion and provide Feedback
    1. Researchers can append Custom attributes to the Completion link this for future targeting
    2. The Participant Feedback is shared with researchers
  6. Successful Participants are automatically Approved within six hours and given any rewards

Positly Run Process


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