Positly Knowledge Base

Instructions for integrating Qualtrics with Positly

Updated: 20, Tue, 2024 10:22 AM

Positly and Qualtrics work very well together with Positly sending pre-screened Participants to Qualtrics to complete an Activity and then Qualtrics sending Participants back to Positly to confirm completion and provide Feedback.

At each stage of the process data can be dynamically shared between Positly and Qualtrics using Query strings. This has several benefits:

  • Activity completion is faster
  • Pre-screened Participant attributes enrich the study with additional data
  • Pre-screening improves accuracy and prevents Participants from gaming a screener
  • Using Query strings to receive Positly data makes data cleaning, preparation and analysis easier (no need to fiddle around joining data)
  • Using Query strings to send data to Positly enables the retargeting or exclusion of participants based on Custom attributes

Receiving Positly’s Participant data in Qualtrics using embedded data

Follow these instructions to set up Qualtrics embedded data  to accept Positly’s participant attributes using the URL query strings.

  1. Click on “Survey Flow” on your Qualtrics survey
  2. Click “Add a new element here”
  3. Click “Embedded data”
  4. Drag it to the top of the survey
  5. Add the parameter names of the variables listed here
  6. Click “Save Flow”

Successful participants will need to be redirected to Positly’s Completion link to confirm their completion.

  1. Open “Survey Options” in the “Survey” tab.
  2. Select “Redirect to a URL“.
  3. Enter Positly’s Completion link.

Dynamically sending  Custom attributes from Qualtrics to Positly

You can also choose to dynamically pass Participant data back to Positly as Custom attributes using Qualtric’s piped text  in the Redirect URL:

  1. Generate the piped text code for each piece of data you would like to pass  (e.g., answers to survey questions, embedded data , or any other information collected with the response).
  2. Copy Positly’s Completion link and paste it into a text editor such as Word or Notepad.
  3. Add an ampersand (&) to the end of the link.
  4. Type in the name of the variable you’d like to pass.
  5. Add an equal sign (=).
  6. Paste the piped text code for the variable.
  7. Repeat steps 3–6 to include all of the data you want to pass.
  8. Paste the new end of activity link into the appropriate survey termination area in Qualtrics (e.g., Survey Options or End of Survey element).

For example, the following URL would pass a variable that contains a participant’s favourite colour:


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