Positly Knowledge Base

What are Participant Quality filters?

Updated: 02, Thu, 2023 03:26 PM

Consistent and reliable delivery of high-quality participants is crucial to your research.

We set stringent standards to help ensure you get only the best respondents, examining factors in real-time that could eliminate participants if they do not meet our quality checks.

Our proprietary quality metrics and historical participant attributes allow us to deliver only participants that will drive your research forward.

We want you to have confidence in your results, that’s why we have these unique quality standards in place. We do not compromise and continuously ensure the validity of these quality checks for all participants.

While we hide a lot of this under the hood we understand that researchers may want the ability to customise the Quality filters.

The following filters are available for you to customise when you create a Run on your Dashboard:

  • Block duplicate IP addresses
    Prevents Participants using the same IP address from participating in the same Activity
  • Block suspicious IP addresses
    Prevents Participants from ISPs that are suspected to enable fraudulent activity
  • Require high approval rate and experience
    Prevents Participants who haven’t proven themselves to be of high quality
  • Require attentive participants
    Prevents Participants who fail our quality and attention checks at a rate above a reasonable threshold
  • Restrict IP address geolocation by Country
    Prevents Participants who claim their country is one that does not match their IP address geolocation


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